Thursday, December 24, 2009

Tradtional Christmas Cake


10 oz plain flour
Pinch salt
½ baking powder
½ tsp mixed spice
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tbs cocoa powder
1 lb mixed fruit
½ lb glace cherries
½ lb currants
12 oz sultanas
4 oz chopped almonds
½ lb softened butter
½ lb soft dark sugar
4 beaten eggs
1 lemon (juice and grated rind)
1 tbs black treacle
3 tbs brandy
A little milk (if necessary)


* Sift the flour and salt in a large mixing bowl
* Stir in the baking powder, cocoa, cinnamon and mixed spice.
* Add the dried fruit, currants, sultanas, glace cherries and nuts.
* In another mixing bowl cream the sugar and butter together until fluffy.
* Beat in the eggs, a little at a time.
* Fold in half the flour & fruit mixture a bit at a time.
* Mix in the lemon rind and juice, treacle and brandy.
* Stir all together until well-mixed.
* Add a wee bit milk if it seems too dry.
* Spoon the mixture into a deep tin (about 8" or 9" round or square) which has been been double-lined with well-greased greaseproof paper.
* Make a slight indentation in the centre of the mixture.
* Bake in a cook oven (150°C/300°F/Gas 2) for 1 hour.
* Reduce heat to 140°F/275°C/Gas 1) and continue baking fora further 3 - 3½ hrs.
* Test if cake is cooked by gently inserting a thin skewer in the centre - if it comes out 'clean' - then it is cooked.
* Cover the top of the cake with greaseproof paper if it becomes too brown during baking.
* When cooked, remove from the oven and leave to cool in the tin before turning out onto a wire tray.
* Carefully peel off paper.

The Marzipan (Almond Paste)


½ lb ground almonds
½ lb sifted icing sugar
½ lb castor sugar
1 beaten egg
2 tsp lemon juice
¼ tsp vanilla essence
¼ tsp almond essence
4 tbs sieved apricot jam


* Thoroughly mix together the almonds, icing sugar, castor sugar.
* Beat in the egg, lemon juice, vanilla and almond essences until the paste is soft but not sticky
* Turn on to a board sprinkled with icing sugar and knead the paste lightly until smooth.
* Use immediately or wrap in clingfilm until ready for use.
* Divide the paste into 2.
* Roll out 1 half into 8" or 9" round or square to match the cake.
* Brush the top of the cake with the sieved jam.
* Place the cake upside down on the marzipan round or square and press down firmly.
* Roll the remaining marzipan in a strip wide enough to go round the sides of the cake.
* Cut in half for a round cake, divide into 4 for a square one.
* Brush the sides of the cake with the jam.
* Press the marzipan into the cake ensuring each piece joins with the other neatly.
* Leave to dry for 2 - 3 days.

The Icing


2 egg whites
1 lb sifted icing sugar
2 tsp lemon juice
2 tsp glycerine (optional - this creates a 'softer' icing if preferred)


* Beat the egg whites in a large mixing bowl until frothy.
* Gradually beat in the icing sugar until it is completely mixed and the icing is stiff, standing in peaks.
* Beat thoroughly to ensure there are no lumps.
* Beat in the lemon juice and glycerine (if using).
* Use immediately or cover with polythene (or damp cloth)

To ice the cake with 'snow' effects.

* Place cake on a cake board and place icing on top.
* Spread icing all over top and sides.
* Using a palette knife, pull parts of the icing up using sharp and short movements.
* Do this all over the cake to create the traditional 'snow' effect.
* Decorate with Christmas cake ornaments.

To 'flat' ice the cake

* Leave some icing aside to make any edible decorations (eg berries, bells etc)
* Place cake on a cake board and put three quarters of the remainder on top (cover remaining with cloth/polythene as above)
* Using an 'icing' ruler or palette knife, spread the icing lightly over the top, backwards and forwards.
* Continue doing this until any air bubbles are out of the icing and the icing is looking flat.
* When it's looking smooth, draw the ruler across the top in one steady movement.
* Take off any icing that got on the sides and put back in the bowl with the rest and keep covered.
* Allow the top icing to set before icing the sides.
* Put the remaining icing on the sides and in the same way - use the ruler or palette knife to smooth it out and join the icing together.
* Decorate creative using some of the icing you left aside at the beginning or any left marzipan you might have left over.