We are thinking of all the people in Japan and elsewhere who have been affected by this tragedy. May you find the strength and courage from knowing that there are so many who are praying for you and the recovery of your country.
This week we will explore the Japanese cuisine.
Japanese cuisine is based on combining staple foods, typically rice or noodles, with a soup and okazu (おかず) — dishes made from fish, meat, vegetable, tofu and the like — to add flavor to the staple food. These are typically flavored with dashi, miso, and soy sauce and are usually low in fat and high in salt.
For more info on Japanese cuisine. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_cuisine
Japanese cuisine is excellent, the only problem is that here in Kenya it very hard to get simple ingredients like seaweed or bonito flakes, the only place i have manged to find some of these ingredients is in a health food shop and they are not exactly cheap so we don't often eat Japanese for this reason.